Thank you for learning more about the global ministry of New Churches Now.
New Churches Now is an organization formed from necessity because of the movement of God, planting new churches in Belarus and Russia. Our story goes back to 2002 when Joe Wilson planted a single Church in Minsk, Belarus after starting an ESL School for Belarusians that offered practical help by teaching conversational English.
The Belarusian Government shut down this church in 2005 forcing Joe to move his church in with a local church and like-minded Belarusian pastor. From this church, the Belarusian team began planting churches which have grown into 30 new churches planted in Belarus, Russia, Albania and the Republic of Georgia.
Our vision is to “Catalyze a Movement of Reproducing Churches in the Ex-Soviet Union”. This brief video clip animates the future expansion plans for New Churches Now.
e focus on the Ex-Soviet Union (also known as Eurasia). This area of the world comprises all of Eastern Europe, Russia, Azerbaijan, Republic of Georgia, Armenia and Central Asia (including the “5 Stan’s”). This area covers approximately 20 percent of the world’s land mass and close to half a billion people of which .3 of 1% to 1% are followers of Christ.
We enter a new country, find the right regional leader, train and disciple this leader, and help them launch a network of reproducing churches that has the catalytic energy to spread throughout their region and beyond.
With the Lord’s guidance, we've already seen this model accomplished three times in Belarus, Russia and Albania, and now we’re doing it in the Republic of Georgia. No one else is planting churches in this way based on my knowledge and experience in these regions, and it’s working! This strategic model was discovered by following God’s missional path and analyzing what God had already done through our work.
Take a brief look at a typical church plant.
We use a training module called the Catalyst Community to gather, launch and train a new network of reproducing churches. The New Churches Now Catalyst Community is a re-engineered form of the Leadership Network style Learning Community. This training module facilitates growth and gathering in the movement structure, and the outcomes of these events are –
- A high level of inspiration for the leaders.
- Leadership Development.
- Enhanced and often new vision of the team.
- A strategic plan for the future.
- New church plants.
- Fellowship and encouragement for the leader.
- The overwhelming sense that they belong to something bigger than themselves through God’s work in the collective movement.
ESL Evangelism – We organize 5-Day Intensive Evangelistic English Courses for our indigenous partners. This course reaches thousands of students each year with practical help as well as a basic knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then, we help our partners organize an ongoing ESL class for the students that serve as a follow-up tool engaging the students with Bible knowledge. Many of our past students are serving in full-time ministry right now.
Coaching – We offer long term coaching to our indigenous leaders through partnership with professional ministry coaches. It helps them to develop their work while maintaining a balanced ministry and family life.
Translation of Books – In the USA, we take for granted the quantity and quality of books available here. In the Ex-Soviet Union for example, a 20-year old book such as The Purpose Driven Church would be their newest resource.
New Churches Now translates books that inspire our church planters and give them innovative new ideas for growing the Church in their region.
Some of our endorsements include –
- Ken Williams | Lead Pastor - West Cobb Church
- Eric Metcalf | Church Planter - Lincoln Park | Old Town, Chicago - Community Christian Church | Residency Director – NewThing
- Shawn Lovejoy | Lead Pastor - Mountain Lake Church / | Author - The Measure of Our Success
- Dave Ferguson | Lead Pastor - Community Christian Church | Spiritual Entrepreneur – NewThing
- Dave Travis | Chief Executive Officer / Chief Encouragement Officer | Leadership Network
- Jeff Benefield | Senior Pastor - Chestnut Mountain Church
- Jon Ferguson | Co-Founder - Community Christian Church
Click to read their praise of what God is doing through New Churches Now.
Church Planting – We spend approximately $30,000.00 on each new church plant. Depending on the size of the team and potential of the plant, it could be as low as $20,000.00. We only fund start-up costs, and then we coach the church planters to be independent after initial start-up.
- Equipment – $18,000.00
- Rent for 1 year – $12,000.00
- Total – $30,000.00
Catalyst Community – Our Catalyst Community training events require us to rent a facility for 2 ½ days, and we work intensively during this time. The cost of the conference is approximately $15,000.00 for 70-90 church planters. We do one conference in each region per year.
- Belarus - $15,000.00
- Russia - $15,000.00
- Albania - $15,000.00
- Georgia - $15,000.00
Book Translation – Book translation is a very economical part of our ministry development and outreach, and it has a significant impact it on our movement. We have gifted language translators in all three regions where we serve.
- Translation - $1500.00
- Printing - $1000.00
Online – Visit our Giving Page
Check – please make your check payable to BIMA (Baptist International Mission Agency) and mail it to:
New Churches Now
PO Box 1155
Flowery Branch GA 30542
All donations are tax-deductible.